Aegle marmelos (L) corr. is a medicinal tree, mentioned in Charka Samhita and mentioned as necessary item in Ayurvedic medicine. Its fruits and leaves are used to treat dysentery, dyspepsia, neurological disease, edema, vomiting, and rheumatism. Seeds of Bael were collected from three locations in Rajasthan. These seeds were after proper cleaning and storage was tested for germination vigour and other parameters using different treatments and growth regulators in different concentrations. It was found that about 50 percent of germination occurs in freshly harvested seeds without any growth regulators and with GA3 it increases to 75 percent. Various other parameters viz. mean germination time and average germination percentage etc of all three seedlots were tested and presented in this paper.
Keywords: Medicinal tree, Ayurvedic medicine, Seed germination, Storage conditions, Hydro priming, Seedling vigor, Nursery techniques.
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Source of Funding:
This study was supported by MOEF and CC, Govt of India, and CAMPA under the FGR Project.
Competing Interests Statement:
The authors declare no competing financial, professional, or personal interests.
Consent for publication:
The authors declare that they consented to the publication of this study.
Authors' contributions:
All the authors took part in literature review, analysis, and manuscript writing equally.
Authors thankfully acknowledge MOEF and CC, Govt of India, and CAMPA authority for providing funding to the FGR Project. The authors are thankful to ICFRE and AFRI officials for providing support to conduct this study.
A New Issue was published – Volume 7, Issue 3, 2024
07-07-2024 06-04-2024