Holoptelia integrifolia is an important tree of tropical and temperate regions owing to its uses as an afforestation tree as well as a traditional medicinal plant. A study was carried out to know variations in seed size and germination in seeds collected from various locations. Seeds from 13 locations in different parts of Rajasthan. Variation in seed size and germination percentage by using different treatments and plant growth regulators. Detailed results and a futuristic approach are presented in this paper.

Keywords: Holoptelia integrifolia, Germination percentage, Mean germination time, Germination value, Elm tree, Pre-germination treatments, Seed length, Seed width, Diabetes, Digestive, Seed lots.

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Source of Funding:

This study was supported by MOEFCC, New Delhi on behalf of CAMPA funding under the FGR Project.

Competing Interests Statement:

The authors declare no competing financial, professional, or personal interests.

Consent for publication:

The authors declare that they consented to the publication of this study.

Authors' contributions:

All the authors took part in the literature review, analysis, and manuscript writing equally.


The authors are thankful to the CAMPA authority for providing financial support through Forest Genetic Resources Project. Authors gratefully acknowledge ICFRE & MOEFCC New Delhi for CAMPA funding and other support.